Revolutionizing Social Media with Decentralization and Empowering Content Creators
AT $1,200 EACH
Promotional Nodes
10,000 allocated to: 7,000 for exclusive content creators. 3,000 for user acquisition campaigns.
Monthly Sales Cap
2,500 nodes/month @ $1,200.
If the 2500 in sales is reached by midnight on the 15th of any month. An additional 2,500 PIXA Software Nodes Will Be Released At A Reduced Price Of $800. (There will be a cap of 1 PIXA Node purchase at this price per individual until the 2500 are sold and those that are not sold will not carry over to the following price and the price will return to $1,200 on the 1st of the next month.)
Promotional Nodes: 10,000 allocated to:
7,000 for exclusive content creators. 3,000 for user acquisition campaigns.